Who is David Scott ll?

I was born and raised in Savannah GA. My parents were both teachers. After High School, I attended and graduated from the University of Georgia. I spent my entire career in middle and then executive management in Retail Sales and Management.

I started with Sears, ran a small business briefly, went back to retail with stops at Napa Auto Parts, Office Depot, H D Supply, and finally Home Depot.

I wrote my first devotional, Moments With The Master, in 2012 while I was with Home Depot.

In 2018, I felt the Lord calling me out of the corporate world. I was to spend more time in writing and ministry. I did become a Ramsey Trained Financial Coach in 2019. I am able to help people with getting their debt and finances in order because I was once where they are now. I have more books planned. The next one should be published soon. It will be titled, Hearing Words from Heaven, Building your Faith on Earth. It will be a devotional just like my first one but with more of heaven's downloads.

I live in San Antonio TX. I am a member of Cornerstone Church.

I love basketball and tennis, and will learn to play golf.

I also love teaching the Word of God. I pray that my writings will be a blessing to you.

My mission

Inspire spiritual growth and financial wisdom for fulfilling lives.

Teaching Believers to become transformed into the image of Jesus. 2 Cor. 3:18

Moments With The Master

Sometimes on life's journey, we can start out to achieve a certain goal, and in the process, we achieve that goal and also something exceedingly abundantly above that goal.

That is what happened to me many years ago. After a few wrong decisions and a business investment gone wrong, I found myself deep in debt with seemingly no way out.

I began seeking the Lord for help and a way out of all that trouble. After many painful years of being under the strain of debt, He brought me out and taught me many life lessons along the way, including how to live without debt.

I had achieved my goal. I was out of debt and financially free.

As great as that was, there was something even greater. I had learned to hear His voice. At first, He began speaking to me through His written word. Later, He began speaking to me directly. It was in the form of rhyming poetry. I would hear phrases, and as soon as I would write them down, I would hear more, this would continue until the flow stopped.

I knew these words were from the Lord and not me. I had never written a single poem in my life.

I did not like poetry, did not read it. Yet, here I was, writing poem after poem. Later, someone told me they were prophetic poems.

That was the starting point when I began compiling them to be the content of my first devotional, Moments With The Master, which was published in 2012. After it was published, I began compiling the poems for my next book, Hearing Words From Heaven, which is slated to be published very soon.

These words from the Lord were given to me, but He also wants them to go through me to all of you. You will hear His heart concerning all areas of your lives.

You can read for pleasure.

You can read and meditate.

You can also use them for personal or group Bible Study.

You will hear Him speaking to you through one or more of these Words from Heaven.